Webinar Hotel Marketing & Finance Plan

Webinar Hotel Marketing & Finance Plan

[ Webinar D3 Perhotelan #2 ]
jangan sampai ketinggalan guys..
Catat tanggal hari dan jam nya ya..
Bersama narasumber paling keren dibidangnya 😉

Register now at: **
e-certificate available @10K *_Speakers_*: 1. Retno Wulandari
– General Manager The Sunan Hotel Solo
– President IMA (Indonesian Marketing Association) Chapter Solo

2.Dwi Handayani
– Chief Accountant The Brother Hotel SOBA
– Ketua HFMA (Hotel Finance Manager Association) Solo Raya

3. Guntur Slamet Raharjo
-Finance Controller Amarello Hotel Solo
– Wakil Ketua HFMA (Hotel Finance Manager Association) Solo

Contact persons
Henny Kustini at [email protected] or mobile 081393282803